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Jelte Altena

Creatief Project Manager
  • Suggested rate
    €792 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Jelte's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Amsterdam, NH, Nederland
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Amsterdam (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Jelte in a few words
Ervaring in de organisatie en uitvoering van uiteenlopende projecten veelal op strategisch niveau geïnitieerd en operationeel uitgevoerd. Het betreft projecten welke gelieerd zijn aan product ontwikkeling en de marketing. Dit veelal voor organisaties met een hoog innovatief en disruptief product. De gemene deler bij mijn voorgaande werkzaamheden was tevens dat deze organisaties te maken hadden met een langere go-to-market en waarbij publieke adoptie een centrale rol speelde in de weg daarnaartoe.

Mensen die met mij gewerkt hebben beschrijven mij als een zeer communicatief, commercieel denkende, creatieve duizendpoot. Ik floreer in projecten met tijdgebonden, budgettaire uitdagingen.
  • Veagons
    September 2020 - Today (4 years and 5 months)
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    We have a simple goal in mind: To bring plant-based from niche to mainstream in the best possible way: Fast, affordable, and consistent.
  • Hardt Hyperloop
    Project Lead
    September 2019 - July 2022 (2 years and 10 months)
    Delft, Netherlands

    - Responsible for the development of the Product-Market FIT program section hyperloop for cargo.
    - Responsible for development of the public adoption program section hyperloop for passengers. Working on Project Hyperloop Experience: "Humanizing the hyperloop true the eyes of the end-user".
    - Responsible for the realization of the Cabin-1; the first 1 on 1 slice from the hyperloop vehicle. A complete physical and digital experience of the transport system of the future.
  • Hardt Hyperloop
    Head Of Marketing
    September 2017 - January 2020 (2 years and 4 months)
    Delft, Netherlands

    - Responsible for the humanization of the hyperloop technology and related projects and campaigns
    - Responsible for setting up and developing the Hardt Hyperloop brand and the international strategic positioning of the brand
    - Responsible for setting up, designing and executing the HyperSummit brand
    - International Spokesperson of Hardt Hyperloop
    - Project Management & Creative Director of the HyperSummit edition 2018 in Jaarbeurs Utrecht
    - Project Management & Creative Director of The Grand Reveal, major event with a global live stream. responsibilities included scriptwriter, stage designer, lobbying presence (including the Dutch Minister, European Commissioner and President FME), brand designer, stakeholder management from partners (Tata Steel, Royal, IHC, Royal Bam Group, Continental, ABB, Prysmian Group, Goudsmit, Busch, EIT InnoEnergy, NEP Group en FME)
    - Creative Director of various video campaigns
    - Scriptwriter of several video scripts
    - Creator, designer, and executor of the Hardt Hyperloop Magazine
    - Creator and Project Manager of The Hyperloop Experience
    - Designer and Project Manager of The Hyperloop Pavilion (Interactive Hyperloop stand of 100 square meters and one of the largest stands during the Innovation Expo 2018)
    - Lobby activities nationwide for hyperloop developments within public organizations and stakeholders
    - Business development research on Saudi Arabia region
    - Writing and coordination of several opinion articles including an article on the potential of hyperloop based on the Tristate City model with Peter Savelberg and the biggest challenge of hyperloop: public adoption
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Commerciële economie (CE)
    Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Commerciële economie (CE)
  • minor Inspirerend leiderschap
    Hogeschool van Amsterdam
    minor Inspirerend leiderschap