- Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering van de Pharmacie (KNMP)Product Owner a.i.PHARMACEUTICALS INDUSTRYOctober 2023 - July 2024 (10 months)The Hague, The NetherlandsDuring the discovery phase, I translated requirements into Epics and User Stories. I mapped our internal application landscape, outlined an information architecture, and developed wireframes for a seamless user experience. I worked closely with UX specialists to perfect the design and set up analytics dashboards in Matomo.As we navigated our digital transition within a member-based organization, stakeholder management was vital. I implemented Identity & Access Management (IAM) using Gluu and prepared for migration to Keycloak, ensuring secure and efficient access control for all users.
- gro-upProduct Owner a.i.CIVIC & SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONSOctober 2022 - October 2022Rotterdam, The NetherlandsCollaborating with an external development team and UX/UI specialists, I addressed technical debt while developing an application for child benefit calculations. We implemented website analytics dashboards in Google Analytics and prepared a data warehouse with the Business Intelligence (BI) team using Microsoft Power BI.As a mentor, I guided junior content team members and optimized ICT processes within Scrum. Budget and roadmap planning were essential tasks, along with effective stakeholder management. Additionally, we integrated Single Sign-On (SSO) via Microsoft to streamline user authentication across systems.
- Rotterdam FestivalsDigital StrategistENTERTAINMENT & LEISUREFebruary 2022 - August 2022 (7 months)Rotterdam, The NetherlandsAs a digital strategist, I analyzed business processes and outlined a digital roadmap for our organization. Through an inventory and elaboration of optimizations, we refined the core application (a tailored solution) for event management.I led the selection process for an HR package provider and developed a plan of action for basic ICT hygiene, including Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), password management, processes, and working agreements.Lastly, I conducted research on data models for cultural target groups using Tableau and Microsoft Power BI to gather insights and inform our strategies.
- HBOAvans Hogeschool, Breda2006Deeltijd HBO Marketing & Communicatie
- A2Koninklijk Technisch Atheneum, Kapellen1999Industriële Elektronica
- PSPO 1Scrum.org2020
- PSPO 2Scrum.org2023
- PSM 1Scum.org2020
- Data EngineerBitAcademy2022
- Blockchain & CryptoUniversity of Nicosia2018
- Blockchain ProfessionalWeconomics Foundation2019