Do what you do best, we’ll take care of the rest.

Create my profile

A single place, free of costs, for finding opportunities, working with top clients and leveraging your business.

Put your best foot forward

Malt isn’t a job board, nor does it work like an agency. It is built with you in mind.
Create easily a freelancer profile which will be your place to shine: highlight your skills, experience, certifications and successes.

Set your own rate: we don’t sneak extra costs in that you don’t know about. It is completely free of cost for you to use.

Manage your online reputation and reassure clients with online reviews from past projects.

Learn how to optimize your profile

Communicate directly with clients

On Malt, there’s no prospection needed: Clients contact you about their needs. Chat directly with them, create quotes on the platform using our template and get approval from clients in a few clicks!

When your mission is completed, the invoice is automatically generated and sent to clients. You get paid promptly.

Find all your quotes and bills in the same place, for easy reference.

Monitor your business at a glance

Find all the KPIs to monitor and leverage your business: visits and profile views, keywords used to find you, and the evolution of your revenue.

You’re notified about any required actions so you can stay on track.

Stay on top of your game with the Malt app

Download the Malt app and enable notifications to ensure that you see and reply to client proposals. Shorter response times increase your odds of winning a project.

Download the app
hand holding a smartphone with Malt's app on the screen

Freelance to the fullest

Currently working with clients outside of Malt? Migrate your relationships to Malt and you’ll both benefit from our secure, all-in-one solution for free.

Create my profile
picture of a man talking to another with an icon of an invitationpicture of a man talking to another with an icon of a high fivepicture of a man talking to another with an icon of a clock

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