- HeijmansUx designer en developerARCHITECTURE & URBAN PLANNINGMarch 2023 - Today (1 year and 11 months)
- e-MatcherUX/UI design stagiairSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGSeptember 2021 - January 2022 (5 months)Soest, NederlandDuring my Internship I did two projects. For the first project I was appointed as product owner to lead a team of two designers and two developers. I was responsible for the redesign of the website, branding, directing meetings, planning and quality check. For the second project I designed a MIS (Management Information System). For the MIS project I had to analyse how the internal system worked, where all the data came from and analyse the data that was being tracked.
- Bachelor's degree, Communicatie Multimedia DesignHogeschool van2021Bachelor's degree, Communicatie Multimedia Design
- LogistiekMEDIAMARKT NEDERLAND2021Logistiek
- Middle School DiplomaMetis Montessori LyceumMiddle School Diploma
- Middle School DiplomaOstrea Lyceum GoesMiddle School Diploma